Four-day weekend!

Week 2 is done :)

Thank you for diligently studying in and out of class. We reviewed a lot about paragraphs and topic sentences this week. I hope it’s all in your head! We also did peer review in class today. How was it? Please write about how you felt in your upcoming Learning Journal posts.

Your homework this weekend is to….

  1. Look over the comments you received through your peer feedback. Try to incorporate them when you revise your first draft. Please send me the final draft as an attached document by August 31st, 12:00PM.
  2. Post your Learning Journal on your page. Please include your reflection of the peer review session.
  3. Read the textbook: p. 18-24. There is not a lot to read, but make sure understand the gist of it. We will be doing practice exercises on Tuesday.
  4. Enjoy the four-day weekend (even though I gave you a lot of homework. Sorry :( )

Assignment #1

341W: Assignment #1
Write a paragraph

Your first assignment will be to write a paragraph. You may choose the topic, but it should be something that was discussed with your peers in class. The due date for this assignment is August 31st 12:00 pm.

If you have trouble starting to think/write the paragraph, try brainstorming and outlining before you write the paragraph. Read over chapter 1 of your textbook again to review what a paragraph should contain.

Due 8/28: Topic sentence, three supporting ideas, concluding sentence
Due 8/29: First draft of your paragraph. Print two copies and bring them to class.
You will be doing peer-feedback on this day. Remember that peer-feedback is also part of your grade!
Due 8/31: Final draft of your paragraph. Email it to Hami by 12:00pm.

Please e-mail Hami your final draft in Word Document as an attachment.
I will not be requiring you to send the brainstorming map or the outline. However, it is recommended that you go through this process to organize your ideas.


  • Look at the Self-Editing Worksheet for paragraphs on p. 317.
  • I will be grading based on the rubric on p. 315.
  • Make sure to format your paper correctly!!
  • ALWAYS proofread before you submit